Our purpose

The first 1001 days of a child’s life are crucial and play a formative role in determining their life chances. Whilst parents are the most essential part in these first 1001 days, it’s important to recognise that in Britain today, parents depend on an extended support system to nurture their children and ensure their future well-being.

The childcare sector offers an essential function for our society in so many ways. We know that a secure foundation in early learning and childcare leads to better life chances for children, as well as work choices for parents, underpinning economic prosperity. The National Partnership in Early Learning and Childcare are united in the belief that all decisions made by the sector, or on behalf of the sector, should start with what is best for the children it serves.

A core part of this is ensuring that young children’s care and learning outside of their home is high-quality, delivered by an early years sector which is both sustainable and valued, and underpins the economy, which is so reliant on this key service.

By shaping policy and nurturing futures, we want to see a thriving early learning and childcare offer for every child in the country.